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Libertarians and Islamophobia

Libertarians and Islamophobia

't it there on the walls of a mosque that a racist tag is not racist?
It is high time to criticize some libertarian positions which, under the pretext of denouncing the return to moral and religious order based on a tradition of irreverence towards the clergy, conceal an endorsement of current forms of racism in France .
The nit-picking over the term to better dodge the position on the thing itself
Men residents of that country people, migrants original post-colonial French and their descendants, Muslim or being sensible facies are widely subject to multiple discrimination, organized institutionally, that is to say, they / are the target of a state racism ideologically legitimized not by backwardness and racial nuisance but with the dangers and the supposed cultural inferiority of Islam. One can quibble ad vitam eternam the right word to use to describe this reality but the perplexing question is why we do not show our solidarity, towards those members of our proletarian class?
Islamophobia is claiming under the right to criticize all religions
Should we remain trapped in an anti-clerical heritage linked to a past in which he had to face an ultra-powerful church, or main ally against revolutionary force? What rhymes to claim the right to spit on the religion of the poorest and most dominated of us?
Libertarians are-they fierce criticism which nevertheless requires lifelong Catholic interference in all spheres of social and political life, they might / they really a critical "uncompromising" of Judaism in time when the peaceful struggle against colonization of Palestine is equated with anti-Semitism? Then where?

Secularism for zero
The 1905 law of separation of powers of the Church and the state defines social compromise that allows everyone to live his faith or his disbelief without fear of persecution, it guarantees freedom of conscience and expression religious affiliation.
For 20 years, the ideological manipulations succeed to transform secularism "republican values​​" in whose name we justify serious abuses of Muslim, as the racist 2004 law banning the wearing of religious symbols in the school.
Why atheism claimed libertarian should ban denouncing the return of religious persecution in the form of multiple humiliations and assaults in everyday life? The revolutionary brotherhood does she address the United unbelievers?
To meditate on the latter question, I leave you with Emile Pouget, historical militant anarcho-syndicalism:
"The Labour Party carries within itself its definition: it is the group of workers in a homogeneous block; it is the self-organization of the working class in an aggregate having seating for the economic field; it is, in its origins, its essence, resistant to any compromise with the bourgeois elements.
The Labor Party is a party of interest. It ignores the opinions of the individuals who constitute it; he knows and coordinates the interests - both material and moral, and intellectual - of the working class. Its ranks are open to all the exploited, regardless of political or religious opinions.
Yes, the Labour Party ignores the opinions of any kind! However, he chases human exploitation in whatever form it manifests itself.
A worker will have philosophical or political Baroque - who believes in a God or any state - will have a place next to his comrades in the party. But what is being condemned by the party, is the exploitation of theological, political or philosophical ideas; what it rejects, is the intervention of a priest or politician, one and the other living speculation about beliefs "
Updated Saturday, 16 March 2013 10:09

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Libertarians and Islamophobia
Libertarians and Islamophobia
Libertarians and Islamophobia
Libertarians and Islamophobia
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